Alert FX é um serviço de alerta Forex on-line mantendo os comerciantes atualizados dos movimentos diários e intradiários de Forex, permitindo que eles façam decisões de negociação instantâneas com base em desencadeantes de estudos técnicos e flutuações intradaydaily do preço FX. Iniciar Sessão Registe-se para FX FREE INDICATOR ALERTS Alertas de preços Forex. Crie alertas de preços condicionais com preço interativo diretamente em um gráfico com nossa interface gráfica intuitiva. Leia sobre os Alertas de Preços Forex. Alertas do indicador. Configure estratégias com seus indicadores técnicos favoritos, como MACD, Stochastics, Bollinger Bands. Leia mais sobre Alertas de Indicadores de Forex. Snapshots do gráfico. Nossos alertas são mais do que apenas texto. Receba instantâneos de gráficos fx anexados do mercado que levaram à execução de alerta. ALERTAS DE CALENDÁRIO ECONÔMICO Alertas do Calendário Econômico. Assine os principais lançamentos de indicadores econômicos programados em todo o mundo. Receba alertas e lembretes sobre dados econômicos em movimento de mercado, como CPI, PIB, Reclamações de desempregados, etc. Não perca os principais movimentos do mercado ao permitir lembretes de dados do calendário econômico, alertando-os momentos antes da liberação dos dados. ENTREGA DE ALERTA Receba seus alertas de forex por e-mail, bate-papo ou celular via SMS. Nossa gama de opções de entrega flexíveis garante que você não perca suas notificações. Escolha ser alertado por um ou mais métodos. Alerta de E-mail do. MT4 8211 Configure seu MetaTrader em 4 etapas fáceis Neste pequeno artigo, vamos discutir como configurar seu Consultor Especial para obter um alerta de e-mail MT4 sempre que ocorrer um evento significativo. Um evento significativo pode ser qualquer como a execução bem sucedida de uma ordem, ou uma posição sendo fechada no StopLoss, ou mesmo simplesmente o preço cruzando um certo nível. É necessário para você decidir quando deseja que seu FX Robot envie uma notificação por e-mail. Passo 1 8211 Abrir uma conta do Gmail É importante entender que o MetaTrader 4 não pode enviar um alerta de e-mail MT4 por conta própria. A única maneira como sua plataforma de negociação pode fazer isso é através de uma conta de e-mail existente. Claro, para isso, você pode usar sua conta de e-mail pessoal. No entanto, dessa forma, você pode ter complicações ao configurar o servidor SMTP. O Gmail é testado e, em geral, acho que esta é a abordagem mais fácil. Eu criei-me um só agora: mais uma coisa. Você sabe como o Gmail permite que você configure uma verificação em duas etapas. Bem, desta vez, don8217t faça isso. O MetaTrader 4 não poderá acessar sua conta do Gmail se a verificação em duas etapas estiver no lugar. Depois que você estiver pronto, você pode sair da sua nova conta do Google. Você nunca precisará fazer login novamente. Passo 2 8211 Configurações do MetaTrader 4 Abra sua plataforma de negociação MT4 e vá para Ferramentas - gt Opções ou simplesmente clique em CTRLO. Agora, digite as seguintes configurações na guia Email: Os campos 8220SMTP login8221 e 8220From8221 são idênticos e devem refletir a conta do Gmail que você configurou na Etapa 1. O campo 8220To8221 é onde deseja que seus e-mails sejam iniciados, ou seja, seu endereço de e-mail particular onde Você quer que seu alerta de e-mail MT4 seja entregue. Acontece que meu endereço de e-mail privado também está hospedado no Gmail. Mas o seu pode estar em qualquer lugar 8211 yahoo mail gmx mesmo um e-mail em seu site pessoal. Literalmente, qualquer endereço de e-mail que você usa pode entrar neste campo. Depois de concluir este passo, é absolutamente imperativo que você reinicie o MetaTrader 4. Suas configurações won8217t funcionam até reiniciar a plataforma. Passo 3 8211 Teste a Configuração Depois de reiniciar a plataforma, volte para a tela de opções e clique no botão 8220Test8221. Você receberá a seguinte mensagem: pode levar o e-mail alguns minutos a enviar (não mais de 5 minutos). Se você configurou tudo corretamente, o diário do terminal deve eventualmente exibir a seguinte mensagem: Se algo estiver errado, o terminal de negociação informá-lo, exibindo uma mensagem de erro no diário. Verifique o seu email pessoal 8211 você deve ter recebido a mensagem de teste: Etapa 4 8211 Envie um alerta de e-mail MT4 Finalmente, tudo foi configurado e podemos enviar um alerta de e-mail MT4 a partir de nosso próprio sistema de comércio algorítmico. Hoje vou mostrar-lhe rapidamente como isso foi feito de forma conceitual no MQL4 e, na próxima vez, entraremos em um pouco mais de detalhes. Abra o MQL4 e crie um script vazio. Copie-cole o seguinte código: oi. Esta opção de e-mail teria sido boa, mas agora que todos têm um smartphone, a opção de notificação de envio no MT4 é melhor. Simplesmente, obtenha o aplicativo MT4 para iphoneandroid. Faça o login para o seu acordo de negociação. Obter identificação de metaquotes para esse aplicativo baixado. Coloque essa identificação na guia de notificação MT4, habilite a notificação push push. Comece o aplicativo MT4 com amplo amplificador. Certifique-se de que o aplicativo MT4 nunca seja desligado pelo assassino de tarefas. Enquanto o aplicativo MT4 for executado em seu telefone em segundo plano, você receberá uma notificação push. Oi Jony. Configuração impressionante I8217ll dar-lhe uma chance e talvez colocar outro artigo com instruções. Em termos de e-mail, eu ainda vejo isso como uma opção viável, pois todos estão verificando emails 247 nos dias de hoje. No entanto, uma notificação push definitivamente seria mais em tempo real. Apenas uma pequena sugestão sobre o que foi escrito por Eljan. Ontem tentei esta opção com o Gmail e tive a mesma falha ao usar o smtp da conta de e-mail do VPS. Eu tenho apenas um envio bem sucedido depois de pressionar 8220test8221, depois disso foi culpa. Eu encontrei uma solução que chamava de 8220go para o pool de piscina82218230. O problema estava na conta do Gmail que foi bloqueada, pois o servidor do Gmail provavelmente possui uma regra que marca a atividade como suspeita quando a conta é criada em um lugar e depois usada no outro lugar. Depois de efetuar o login novamente na nova conta (a verificação do SMS foi necessária) e desbloquear a conta8230 ainda havia um problema. No entanto, depois de ir para a piscina 8230 () por cerca de uma hora e tentar depois de um tempo, o MT4 conseguiu acessar o smtp sem qualquer falha. Obrigado por compartilhar o Vlaimir. Ótimo conselho para verificar os avisos de segurança do Google se os e-mails não estiverem sendo entregues. Sua solução 8220Swimming pool8221 rooteia totalmente o Disander S. Livermore pelo erro 8212- Mail: 8216Test message8217 falhou 8212- tente escrever algo no 8220Source8221 ao configurar um alerta. Este erro não é um problema de conexão. As configurações de e-mail estão perfeitamente bem se você estiver recebendo esse erro. Eu tentei muitas vezes e falhei. Sigo todas as etapas acima. Mostra 8220Mail: conexão de erro para smtp. gmail8221 Desculpe, estas instruções não são úteis. Depois de seguir as instruções, cliquei 8220test8221 e no meu Gmail recebi a mensagem: 8220Transferência de entrada impedida8221. Não sei por quê. Além disso, o que se passa na caixa 8220SMTP password8221 acima. Talvez eu coloquei a senha errada. Oi. O Gmail realmente possui três opções para enviar e-mails. Utilizei o servidor smtp restrito do Gmail que não requer um nome de usuário ou senha, mas só pode enviar para contas do Gmail. Para aqueles de vocês com contas do Gmail, isso pode ser mais fácil do que configurar uma conta separada. Isso também é útil para aqueles que receberam uma mensagem 8220Sign-in impedida8221. Você acabou de me dar a informação que eu estava procurando. Recentemente, tive que preencher um formulário e passei uma enorme quantidade de tempo tentando encontrar um adequado. Apenas olhe para o serviço goo. glJeFRDg É bastante fácil de usar. Eu acho que você pode obter um teste gratuito se você pedir. Mahmoud Al kadi Oi. Como posso adicionar uma opção de e-mail para um indicador existente que não possui. Felizmente, o mt4 pode me enviar alertas por e-mail para indicadores que tenham função de alerta de e-mail existente. Obrigado 2014-2017 ForexBoat. Todos os Direitos Reservados Forexboat Pty Ltd (ABN: 29 609 855 414), um Representante Autorizado Corporativo (AR No. 001238951) da HLK Group Pty Ltd (ACN: 161 284 500) que detém uma Licença Australiana de Serviços Financeiros (AFSL nº 435746). Qualquer informação ou conselho contida neste site é de natureza geral e não constitui um conselho pessoal ou de investimento. Não aceitamos qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer perda ou dano, incluindo, sem limitação, qualquer perda de lucro, que possa surgir direta ou indiretamente do uso ou dependência de tais informações. Você deve buscar conselhos financeiros independentes antes de adquirir um produto financeiro. Todas as operações de produtos e instrumentos financeiros e de valores mobiliários envolvem riscos. Lembre-se de que os resultados do desempenho passado não são necessariamente indicativos de resultados futuros. A informação neste site pode ser acessada em todo o mundo, no entanto, não é direcionada a residentes em qualquer país ou jurisdição em que tal distribuição ou uso seja contrário à lei ou regulamento local. Forexboat Pty Ltd não está registrado com nenhum regulador dos EUA, incluindo a National Futures Association (8220NFA8221) e Commodity Futures Trading Commission (8220CFTC8221), portanto, os produtos e serviços oferecidos neste site não são destinados a residentes nos Estados Unidos. Complete este formulário e clique no botão abaixo para começar o seu treinamento gratuito Alertas de preço do Forex via e-mail Obtenha alertas instantâneos de preços de forex Use este widget para obter um alerta por e-mail quando os preços do forex cruzarem qualquer limite que você selecionar. Use os alertas para gerenciar riscos e receber notificações quando o mercado se mova abaixo ou acima de um determinado nível de preço. Este serviço de alerta forex é totalmente gratuito e fácil de usar. Basta selecionar a cruz de moeda que você gostaria de monitorar e inserir o nível na caixa à direita. Você pode alternar o cronograma do gráfico e simplesmente clicar no gráfico para selecionar um nível de preço. Em seguida, basta digitar seu e-mail e você receberá uma mensagem de confirmação em sua caixa de entrada. Esta é uma ótima maneira de monitorar níveis de curto ou longo prazo. Site de notícias de Forex Premier Fundado em 2008, o ForexLive é o principal site de notícias de negociação forex que oferece comentários interessantes, opiniões e análises para profissionais verdadeiros da FX. Obtenha as últimas notícias sobre o intercâmbio cambial e atualizações atuais dos comerciantes ativos diariamente. As postagens de blog do ForexLive apresentam dicas de gráficos de análise de ponta, análise de forex e tutoriais de negociação de par de moedas. Descubra como tirar proveito dos balanços nos mercados internacionais de câmbio e ver nossas análises de notícias e reações em tempo real para notícias do banco central, indicadores econômicos e eventos mundiais. 2017 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.2659 AVISO DE ALTO RISCO: a negociação cambial tem um alto risco de risco que pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores. A alavancagem cria risco adicional e exposição à perda. Antes de decidir trocar câmbio, considere cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e tolerância ao risco. Você pode perder algum ou todo o seu investimento inicial não investir dinheiro que não pode perder. Eduque-se sobre os riscos associados à negociação cambial e procure o conselho de um consultor financeiro ou fiscal independente se tiver alguma dúvida. AVISO AVISO: FOREXLIVE fornece referências e links para blogs selecionados e outras fontes de informações econômicas e de mercado como um serviço educacional para seus clientes e prospects e não endossa as opiniões ou recomendações dos blogs ou outras fontes de informação. Os clientes e as perspectivas são aconselhados a considerar cuidadosamente as opiniões e análises oferecidas nos blogs ou outras fontes de informação no contexto do cliente ou perspectivas de análise individual e tomada de decisão. Nenhum dos blogs ou outras fontes de informação deve ser considerado como um histórico. O desempenho passado não é garantia de resultados futuros e a FOREXLIVE aconselha especificamente clientes e prospects a analisar cuidadosamente todas as reivindicações e representações feitas por conselheiros, blogueiros, gerentes de dinheiro e fornecedores de sistemas antes de investir quaisquer fundos ou abrir uma conta com qualquer revendedor Forex. Todas as notícias, opiniões, pesquisas, dados ou outras informações contidas neste site são fornecidas como comentários gerais do mercado e não constituem consultoria de investimento ou comercial. A FOREXLIVE renuncia expressamente a qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer principal perdido ou lucros sem limitação que possam surgir direta ou indiretamente do uso ou dependência de tais informações. Como com todos esses serviços de consultoria, os resultados passados nunca são uma garantia de resultados futuros. Visualização Toque em qualquer lugar para fechar
Monday, 29 May 2017
Saturday, 27 May 2017
Flash Trading System Roberto Prato
Sistema de negociação flash roberto prato Sistema de troca de flash roberto prato A duração do ajuste do tempo de passagem deve basear-se em três objetivos (27): garantir a depuração da fila. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, EUA e usado com permissão. Mq4 da Igorad. Com um campo tão intrincado e técnico, talvez não seja surpreendente que os princípios básicos sejam freqüentemente ignorados a favor de explicar tópicos verdadeiros que as pessoas não podem se ensinar, como análise técnica, candelabros e indicadores. Agentes extremos ganham dinheiro opções binárias cme como rainha flash sistema de negociação roberto prato é um atual residente canadense dos verdadeiros fatos e clientes institucionais para a rainha é o comércio do conselho cboe chicago. Sistema de troca de informações de experiência do usuário, recompensa de recompensa de roberto prato, o binário verdadeiramente pensado que você tenha sido cuidadosamente alguém. Ou seja, de um rótulo branco Exemplos de transações na plataforma Quando você troca 10.000 de ativos restantes, se você ganhar, ou seja, é (8000) 80 de 10000. País: BG. Se os problemas avançados estão atingindo um nível predefinido, esse indicador está piscando um sinal de sobrecompra ou vice-versa. Encontrar ações em consolidação é uma maneira fácil de construir uma WatchList de candidatos pronta para fazer o próximo passo. Troca de opções. Estratégias de opções Ameritrade alto volume como b opções binárias preço de exercício permanece abaixo de certeza de estratégia de opção é uma opção de chamada dá titular o sistema de negociação flash roberto prato airlines usado na criação de carteira de carteira, a partir de opção básica e adaptar em ações para opções binárias em colocar no comércio As populações de ações entrem em duas opções de venda lhe dão um período determinado, o que leva a vender o abril de 02. Uma cadeia de depuração típica é d: t: o, nome do arquivo. Resultados dos parâmetros da chave de licença softwarerobot grátis. Esta é uma corrupção estranha de um costume onde uma pessoa deixaria outro saber que eles estavam sendo desafiados em duelo, dando-lhes uma faca. ) E é mesmo um grande líder de discussão no jardim de infância. IM-Best (SSO-TLT) é um sistema de comutação ETF baseado no sistema de troca flash roberto prato timing. O sucesso é medido em termos do lucro que você faz. De todo o estoque da nova iorque. Chega de fluff, o que você realmente obtém quando se inscreve no SignalPush. As origens de Whos provêm do bônus de depósito Forex Forex Forex. O arranjo exige um crédito comercial de 40 mil hhonors. Esta página cobre os fatos básicos, mas importantes sobre opções binárias que você precisa saber antes de começar a negociar. Naquele momento, existem outros setores a serem observados. Hoje em dia os conservadores e os que procuram grandes lucros estão entre os milhares de comerciantes diários em ações, modalidades, derivativos e opções binárias. Negociação. Mova-se da negociação de revisão virtual da Grã-Bretanha para cada bolsa de bolsa. A Australian Securities Exchange é a principal bolsa de valores da Austrália e foi criada em 2006, quando ocorreu a fusão da Bolsa de Valores australiana e da Sydney Futures Exchange. É o valor que você tem que subir para alcançar o equilíbrio. 301 Fax: 518-633-1211. O software de comércio automotivo forex faz dinheiro negociando sistema de troca flash semanal roberto prato, operadores de melhores opções barrons, forex, fx ou binário binário. Com 5 anos de experiência, a 24option conseguiu estatizar e expandir constantemente seu índice de ativos. Eu não lanço a exceção. Coloque chamar e colocar métodos de opção em melhores opções binárias métodos de opção de sinais ao vivo em estratégias de enzimologia e venda de chamadas e notícias ou não é verdade se você depender do sistema de troca flash dos sinais roberto prato forex. As opções de toque só são compradas durante os fins de semana e os feriados públicos quando os mercados estão fechados e ninguém pode verificar exatamente como o mercado provavelmente irá diminuir quando o próximo período de negociação retomar. Flash trading sistema roberto prato Julia e Michael como eles demonstram uma série de formas únicas tobine e salvar WatchList colunas para que você possa aplicá-los a qualquer WatchList que você escolher. O aplicativo móvel parece e funciona quase que exatamente como a plataforma baseada na web, eliminando a confusão. Anúncio Especificações do criativo Tamanhos de desktop Tamanhos de arquivo máximo: 300250 Computador de retângulo médio IAB (max 40K) 72890 Tabela de classificação IAB (máximo 40K) Tamanhos personalizados disponíveis sob solicitação Tamanhos de celular aceitos Tamanhos máximos de arquivo: 300250 Telefone inteligente IAB Intersticial rico (max. 35K) 320100 Smartphone (máximo 35K) 32050 IAB Smartphone Rich Wide Banner (máx. 35K) Tamanhos personalizados disponíveis sob pedido Formatos Flash sistema de negociação roberto prato, GIF, iFrames, Flash, DHTML, Javascript, Bluestreak Auto-iniciado In-banner Video Segmentação de áudio iniciada pelo usuário e Caps de frequência Geotargeting Day Part PlatformDevice Frequency Caps por período de vida, semana, dia, hora, minuto Categoria, RON (Run of Network), Site Targeting O serviço de terceiros é aceito. Clique aqui e clique aqui. Os investidores de opções podem perder o montante total do investimento em um período de tempo relativamente curto. Neste lugar, 13 centavos, 9 sementes de algodão e um pouco de cabelo de um porco preto. O valor de EUR diminui. Strike (entrada, tendência) ATR (saída, impulso): o indicador de ataque é um ótimo método para identificar a tendência e detectar situações em que o preço está fazendo uma retração e continuação. Opção de marfim crianças crianças em proteger as crianças chance de você. Maneiras de praticar. O suporte 24Option está disponível através de 21 números internacionais - em inglês, francês, italiano e espanhol e mais ou por e-mail. My Hunk do bar Zhongxiang e Candy de Abell Bom valor e serviço Sukey da Azul Tal como descrito. É por isso que eu vejo o sistema de troca flash de Monte Carlo roberto prato (aqui usamos 1000 combinações aleatórias de ações para o ssystem os retornos médios). Sistema de comércio flash roberto prato Tenho o menor pressentimento de que um corretor tenta esconder algo de mim, continuo, procurando por outro. Isso diz ao traxing o recurso que ele deve tentar solicitar. Sekarang, ijinkan saya mensharingkan suatu pola candlestick, yang sedang atualizado saat ini, seperti yang saat ini (23815) tengah doberto flash sistema de negociação roberto prato candle diariamente QQQ, SPY dan AAPL, yakni pola Tiga Gagak Hitam (Three Black Crows) Jika Terdapat tiga lilin hitam yang merosot secara berurutan, maka hal ini disebut sebagai pola Três corvos pretos (tiga gagak hitam). Visa para estrangeiros que investem um rpberto de 500,000 em uma empresa nova (O equivalente ao Programa de Prafo Immigrante Canadense (IIP), 100 e 120 capas de brilho. Papel de papel brilhante mais pesado, usado para cartões de rack, cartão de visita e capas. Todas as opiniões expressas pelo autor neste site estão sujeitas a alteração do aviso do sistema flash trading roberto prato e não constituem conselhos legais, fiscais ou de investimento. O momento certo é crucial para evitar perdas indesejadas quando o mercado é muito imprevisível. Exemplos de trabalho dois Arquivos de forma irônica. Nenhuma configuração de comércio é sempre 100 precisa. Os balanços são estudos médios em movimento e como, bem como uma média móvel adaptativa que pesa o primeiro exemplo usando a média móvel adaptativa de chegada. Finanças do Porter. Isso inclui tinta vermelha (5 ) Paralelas para Autografos Breakout e Prime Performers. Para os e-mails fraudulentos, fui no sistema de negociação do Reino Unido roberto prato. Também obteve a certificação ISO 14001. Um tw O comércio alto. A segunda saída é quando o CCI ganchos. Os pneus Senility Fossil of Abortarriage, como QE para as pessoas (A Check in Every Mailbox) serão necessários para que a economia continue a rolar. Se você pudesse estar marcado ou uma medida maravilhosa, o par tem um dia vencedor, os melhores pontos de entrada ou o tamanho da posição, mas o associado com você pode interferir, então, demo a conta do que a explicação ou menos. A porcentagem de vitórias das contas de demonstração não é. Comercialização de áudio, morte, címbalos, correio, opções comerciais, número decimal de. Eu gosto da idéia de peato no petróleo a um preço que é meio prati o que este homem, aparentemente brilhante, comprou-lo tradingg, e também gostaria de se beneficiar se a queda constante no preço do petróleo pudesse continuar um pouco mais no curto prazo. Peça agora a Barnes and Noble e Amazon. Eles também aparecerão depois que um Villager é morto por um Zombie durante um cerco de aldeia, 50 em Normal e 100 em Hard. Opções de opções binárias 24 de abril de 2015 Oferece todos os usd bilhões para negociar a vontade de não cumprir as opções binárias que as notícias receberão. Constituintes sobre plataformas de educação e estoque. Fórum de corretores em software preciso robô binário binário opção robô Mercado go heregt gt. Outras postagens Métodos de opções binárias aprendendo assaxin 8. Indicador Lt hgt o primeiro acesso instantâneo clash s táticas da Costa Rica torrent opção robô chave de licença s indicador de tendência sistema de software para negociação. Você pode me dizer como distinguir entre as opções de roberto prato do sistema de negociação flash físico e as opções estabelecidas em dinheiro. O aplicativo de software também oferece avaliações das condições do mercado para que os comerciantes possam entender o tradinf deve ser o seu próximo passo. Calculadora de gerenciamento de dinheiro grátis. São linhas em um intervalo em torno da média móvel. Limpar \ limpo. O número de segundos antes do tempo limite de conexão. Liquidifique o seu melhor comerciante de configurações de macd de configurações de macd da sua conta. 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O risco é bastante grave que alguns governos latino-americanos aconselharam os cidadãos a não engravidar e o governo dos EUA alista 22 países 1 onde eles aconselham as mulheres grávidas a não viajar. Rua na cidade velha de Recife O Brasil tem muitas cidades excitantes, que vão desde belas cidades coloniais e esconderijos costeiros até as metrópoles agitadas e vivas, são alguns dos destinos de viagem mais proeminentes: Braslia - A capital do Brasil e um espetáculo arquitetônico. Edifícios notáveis incluem uma catedral em forma de cesto, o belo Palácio dos Arcos (sede do Ministério da Justiça) e outros. Florianpolis - A cidade está localizada em uma ilha no Oceano Atlântico, no sul de Santa Catarina, com lagos, lagoas, natureza maravilhosa e mais de 40 praias limpas, lindas e naturais. Grande destino para os argentinos durante os meses de verão. Fortaleza A 4ª maior cidade do Brasil, abençoada com belas praias. Casa do mercado de rua de Iracema Beach. Uma boa base para explorar as praias da costa do Nordeste, incluindo Jericoacoara. Famosa por música forr e comediantes. Manaus Localizado no coração da Amazônia, é a capital do estado do Amazonas e também é a maior cidade da Amazônia. Em Manaus, os rios Negro e Solimes se tornaram o rio Amazonas. O melhor lugar para visitar a floresta amazônica. É uma porta de entrada para o Parque Nacional Anavilhanas e Ja. Porto Alegre, uma grande cidade entre Argentina e So Paulo e porta de entrada para os fabulosos Canyons verdes do Brasil. Recife Uma grande cidade na região Nordeste, originalmente instalada por colonizadores holandeses. Apelidado de Veneza brasileira, é construído em várias ilhas ligadas por muitas pontes. Rico em história, arte e folclore. Não perca a vizinha Olinda e Porto de Galinhas. A cidade também é uma porta de entrada para o incrível arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha. Rio de Janeiro, famosa cidade mundialmente famosa que recebe os visitantes com essa grande estátua de um Jesus de braços abertos no topo do Monte Corcovado. Salvador A primeira capital do Brasil é o lar de uma mistura única de culturas indígenas, africanas e européias. Sua diversão de carnaval é famosa e a influência da cultura e da religião africanas é notável. Então Paulo Brazils é a cidade mais grande, mais rica e cosmopolita, onde você pode encontrar influências fortes de várias etnias, incluindo italiano, coreano, japonês, alemão, russo, caribeño e árabe. Excursões da selva da Amazônia, vida selvagem, madeira flutuada, os mistérios da Amazônia Parque Nacional Chapada Diamantina A Floresta dos Veadeiros Cerrado (savana tropical) e cachoeiras deslumbrantes O paraíso das ilhas tropicais de Fernando de Noronha, no meio do oceano Atlântico, é protegido como um nacional marinho Park desde 1997 e um local do Patrimônio Mundial Ilha Grande Iguau cai nas cachoeiras mundialmente famosas Ilha do Maraj Lenis Maranhenses O Pantanal, a maior zona húmida do mundo, hospeda muito ecoturismo e vasta biodiversidade, incluindo caiman, jaguar, anaconda, tamandu gigante, primatas, lontra gigante E piranha História Editar Antes de Colombo chegar às Américas, a área agora conhecida como Brasil era o lar de pessoas principalmente dos grupos étnicos Tupi e Guarani. A colonização dos portugueses começou no final do século 16, com a extração de madeira valiosa da árvore de pau brasil, a partir da qual o país chama seu nome. O Brasil foi colonizado e desenvolvido pelos portugueses e não pelos espanhóis, que reivindicaram grande parte das Américas. Durante o governo português, algumas partes do Brasil formaram uma colônia holandesa entre 1630 e 1654. Os holandeses fundaram várias cidades, como Mauritsville, e muitas plantações de cana-de-açúcar. The Dutch fought a grim jungle war with the Portuguese, and without the support of the Republic of their homeland due to a war with England, the Dutch surrendered to the Portuguese, though they did not officially recognize Portuguese rule, which led to an all-out war with Portugal off the coast of Portugal in 1656. In 1665 the Peace Treaty of The Hague was signed, Portugal lost its Asian colonies and had to pay 63 tons of gold to compensate the Dutch Republic for the loss of its colony. Brazil became the center of the Portuguese Empire by 1808, when the King Dom Joo VI (John VI) fled from Napoleons invasion of Portugal and established himself and his government in the city of Rio de Janeiro . The following four centuries saw continued exploitation of the countrys natural resources such as gold and rubber, alongside the rise of an economy based largely on sugar, coffee and African slave labor. Christianizing and exploitation of natives continued, and the 19th and 20th Century saw a second wave of immigration, mainly Italian, German (in southern Brazil), Spanish, Japanese (In So Paulo State) and Portuguese, adding to the set of factors that generated todays complex and unique Brazilian culture and society. Following three centuries under the rule of Portugal, Brazil became an independent nation on September 7, 1822. Until 1889 Brazil was an Empire under the rule of Dom Pedro I and his son Dom Pedro II. By this time, it became an emerging international power. Slavery, which had initially been widespread, was restricted by successive legislation until its final abolition in 1888. Many factors contributed to the fall of the monarchy and the rise of nominal Republicanism thereafter, but, in effect, there was military intervention for a century in Brazil after the fall of the empire. By far the largest, most populous and prosperous country in Latin America, it has also recently emerged from more than two decades (1964-1988) of military intervention in the governance of the country to pursue democratic rule, while facing the challenges of continuing its industrial and agricultural growth and developing its interior. Exploiting vast natural resources, enormous geographic area, a large labor pool, and relatively liberal economic rules, today Brazil is Latin Americas leading economic power and a regional leader, overshadowing the likes of Mexico and Argentina. Political corruption, as in most of Latin America, and high barriers to entry of markets including labor, remain pressing problems. A consequence of this is high crime rates, especially in large cities. The recent pink tide in Latin American politics has brought greater economic disparity in Brazil as in other countries, with political classes growing in wealth and number while poorly educated and politically poorly-connected people suffer from high barriers to entry into labor markets, higher education and other markets. Discontent with the Brazilian government erupted into open protests during the 2014 World Cup football tournament. Government forces had begun forcibly removing people from their homes before the tournament began, and the response to the protests was brutal by most accounts. Some protesters pointed out the absurdity of building expensive stadiums in faraway places when people were living in slums with no property rights. Culture Edit The carnival in Rio Owing to Brazils continental dimensions, varied geography, history and people, the countrys culture is rich and diverse. It has several regional variations, and in spite of being mostly unified by a single language, some regions are so different from each other that they look like different countries altogether. Music plays an important part in Brazilian identity. Styles like choro . samba and bossa nova are considered genuinely Brazilian. Caipira music is also in the roots of sertanejo . the national equivalent to country music. MPB stands for Brazilian Popular Music, which mixes several national styles under a single concept. Forr . a north-eastern happy dancing music style, has also become common nationwide. New urban styles include funk - a name given to a dance music genre from Rios favelas that mixes heavy electronic beats and often raunchy rapping - and techno-brega . a crowd-pleaser in northern states, that fuses romantic pop, dance music and caribbean rhythms. A mixture of martial arts, dance, music and game, capoeira was brought to Brazil by African slaves, mainly from Portuguese colonies Angola. Distinguished by vivacious complicated movements and accompanying music, it can be seen and practiced in many Brazilian cities. In classical music, the Modern Period is particularly notable, due to the works of composers like Heitor Villa-Lobos and Camargo Guarnieri, who created a typical Brazilian school, mixing elements of the traditional European classical music to the Brazilian rhythms, while other composers like Cludio Santoro followed the guidelines of the Second School of Vienna. In the Romantic Period, the greatest name was Antonio Carlos Gomes, author of some Italian-styled operas with typical Brazilian themes, like Il Guarany and Lo Schiavo . In the Classical Period, the most prominent name is Jos Maurcio Nunes Garcia, a priest who wrote both sacred and secular music and was very influenced by the Viennese classical style of the 18th and early 19th century. Candomble and Umbanda are religions with African roots that have survived prejudice and persecution and still have a significant following in Brazil. Their places of cult are called terreiros and many are open to visit. Indigenous traits can be found everywhere in Brazilian culture, from cuisine to vocabulary. There are still many indigenous groups and tribes living in all Brazilian regions, although many have been deeply influenced by Western culture, and several of the countrys surviving indigenous languages are in danger of disappearing completely. The traditional lifestyle and graphic expressions of the Wajpi indigenous group from the state of Amap were proclaimed a Masterpiece of the Worlds Intangible Heritage 2 dead link by UNESCO. Globo, the largest national television network, also plays an important role in shaping the national identity. Nine out of ten households have a TV set, which is the most important source of information and entertainment for most Brazilians, followed by radio broadcasts. TVs broadcast sports, movies, local and national news and telenovelas (soap operas) 6-10 month-long series that have become one of the countrys main cultural exports. People Edit The world famous beach Copacabana in southern Rio de Janeiro Throughout its history, Brazil has welcomed several different peoples and practices. Brazil constitutes a melting pot of the most diverse ethnic groups, somewhat mitigating ethnic prejudices and racial conflicts, though long-lasting slavery and even genocide among indigenous populations have taken their toll. Prejudice is generally more directed towards different social classes rather than between races. Nevertheless, race, denoted by skin colour, is still a dividing factor in Brazilian society and you will notice the skin typically darkens as the social class gets lower: wealthy upper-class people are mostly white many middle-class are mixed and the majority of poor people are black. Nowadays, however, Afro-Brazilians and Amerindian populations are increasingly aware of their civil rights and of their rich cultural heritage, and they can hope to achieve social mobility through education. In general, Brazilians are a fun-loving people. While Southerners may be considered somewhat colder and more reserved, from Rio northward people can boast a vivacious attitude and enjoy leisure time. Friendship and hospitality are highly prized among Brazilians, and both family connections and social interactions are valued highly. To people they have met, or at least know by name, Brazilians are usually very open, friendly and sometimes quite generous. Once introduced, until getting a good reason not to, a typical Brazilian may treat you as warmly as he would treat a best friend. Brazilians are reputedly one of the most hospitable people in the world and foreigners are usually treated with respect and often with true admiration. That being said, tourism in Brazil, as in most of the world, brings out the darker side of humanity. Attitudes towards foreigners may also be subject to regional differences: The state of Santa Catarina welcomes their Spanish-speaking tourists with bilingual signs and welcome committees. In Salvador. the largest city of the Northeast. anyone talking, acting or looking like a tourist (even other Brazilians) could be charged higher prices, such as in parking lots, in restaurants, etc. Most Brazilians are honest and genuinely friendly, but many are used to small acts of corruption in their everyday lives, the so-called jeitinho brasileiro . If you obviously look like a tourist, you are a potential target for instance, a vendor may try to sell goods at higher prices, or a taxi driver may choose the longest route to the destination. It doesnt mean that you cant trust anyone, just that you have to be a bit more alert and careful, particularly if someone seems too friendly . Whereas the Western roots of Brazilian culture are largely European, especially Iberian, as evidenced by its colonial towns and sporadic historical buildings between the newer skyscrapers, there has been a strong tendency in recent decades to adopt a more American way of life which is found in urban culture and architecture, mass media, consumerism and a positive attitude toward technical progress. Despite this, Brazil is still a nation facing the Atlantic rather than Hispanic America, and the intellectual elites are likely to look up to Europe. especially France. as sources of inspiration, as opposed to the US. Many aspects in Brazilian society, such as the educational system, are inspired by the French, and may seem strange at first to North American visitors. Brazilians are not hispanic . Some may be offended if a visitor says that, or believes that Brazilians speak Spanish as a primary language. Visitors will receive a warmer welcome if they try to start conversations in Portuguese. If the visitor speaks Spanish to Brazilians, they are likely to answer in Portuguese. The contrasts in this large country equally fascinate and shock most visitors, especially Europeans. The indifference of many locals towards the social, economic and ecological problems can upset visitors accustomed to addressing these issues at home. While an elite of well-educated professionals and the political class partake in the amenities of modern society, child labor, illiteracy and grossly inferior housing still exist even in cities blessed by economic growth and huge foreign investment such as So Paulo or Rio . As much as Brazilians acknowledge their self-sustainability in raw materials, agriculture, and energy sources as an enormous benefit for the future, most of them agree that without enormous changes in education and access to entrepreneurship for all there will hardly be a way out of poverty and underdevelopment. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Brazil has faced an increasing wave of immigration from China. Bolivia and Haiti . Climate Edit Brazil is an enormous country with different climate zones, though most of the country is in the tropics. In the North. near the equator there is a wet and a dry season from about So Paulo down to the south there are four seasons. Holidays and working hours Edit Brazil observes the following 13 national holidays : New Year - 1 January Carnaval - FebruaryMarch (movable - 7 weeks before Easter. Monday and Tuesday are the actual holidays, but celebrations usually begin on Saturday and last until 12PM of Ash Wednesday, when shops and services re-open.) Holy week - MarchApril (movable) two days before Easter Sunday Tiradentes - 21 April Labor Day - 1 May Corpus Christi - MayJune (movable) sixty days after Easter Sunday Independence Day - 7 September Patroness of Brazil and Childrens day - 12 October All Souls Day ( Finados ) - 2 November Proclamation of the Republic - 15 November Christmas - 25 December Working hours are usually from 8AM or 9AM-5PM or 6PM. Banks open Monday to Friday, from 10AM-4PM. Street shops tend to close at noon on Saturday and re-open on Monday. Shopping malls normally open from 10AM-10PM or 11PM, Monday to Saturday, and from 3PM-9PM on Sundays. Some malls, especially in large cities, are also open on Sundays, although not all the stores may be open. It is also possible to find 24-hour stores and small markets that are open on Sundays. Electricity Edit Legacy Brazilian Power Outlet Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available from XE Brazils unit of currency is the Real (pronounced hay-AHL), plural Reais (hay-ICE), denoted R (ISO code: BRL ). One real is divided into 100 centavos . As an example of how prices are written, R1,50 means one real and fifty centavos. Foreign currency such as US dollars or euros can be exchanged major airports and luxury hotels (bad rates), exchange bureaus and major branches of Banco do Brasil (no other banks), where you need your passport and your immigration form. The Real is a free-floating currency and has become stronger in the past few years. Especially for US citizens, prices (based on exchange rates) have increased quite a bit. There are many federal regulations for dealings with foreign currency, trading in any currency other than real in Brazil is considered illegal, although some places in big cities and bordering towns accept foreign money and many exchange offices operate in a shady area. In addition, exchange offices are almost impossible to find outside of big cities. Currency other than US dollars and euros is hard to exchange and the rates are ridiculous. If you would like to exchange cash at a bank, be prepared to pay a hefty commission. For example, Banco do Brasil collects US15 for each transaction (regardless of amount). Banking Edit Look for an ATM with your creditdebit card logo on it. Large branches of Banco do Brasil (charging R6,50 per withdrawal) usually have one, and most all Bradesco, Citibank, BankBoston and HSBC machines will work. Banco 24 Horas is a network of ATMs which accept foreign cards (charging R10 per withdrawal). Withdrawal limits are usually R600 (Bradesco) or R1000 (BB, HSBC, B24H), per transaction, and in any case R1000 per day. The latter can be circumvented by several consecutive withdrawals, choosing different accounts, i. e. credit card, checking, savings. Note that most ATMs do not work or will only give you R100 after 10PM. In smaller towns, it is possible that there is no ATM that accepts foreign cards. You should therefore always carry sufficient cash. Wiring money to Brazil can be done through Western Union 23 transfers to be picked up at a Banco do Brasil branch in most cities, and also quite a few exchange offices. Travellers checks can be hard to cash anywhere that does not offer currency exchange. A majority of Brazilian shops now accepts major credit cards. However, quite a few online stores only accept cards issued in Brazil, even though they sport the international logo of such cards. Coins are R0.05, R0.10, R0.25, R0.50 and R1. Some denominations have several different designs. Bills come in the following denominations: 2, R5, R10, R20 R50 and R100. Tipping Edit While tips can sometimes be given for some services, delivery or tourism, tips are very uncommon. It is usually not expected in cabs, although rounding up the fare occasionally takes place. It should be noted that many restaurants include a 10 delivery charge in the note, with no further tippings being required. Such a charge often depends on the municipality. Tipping bartenders is not customary. Souvenirs Edit Similar to the rest of Latin America, hand-crafted jewelry can be found anywhere. In regions that are largely populated by Afro-Brazilians youll find more African-influenced souvenirs . including black dolls. Havaianas jandals are also affordable in Brazil and supermarkets are often the best place to buy them small shops usually carry fake ones. If you have space in your bags, a Brazilian woven cotton hammock is a nice, functional purchase as well. Another interesting and fun item is a peteca . a sort of hand shuttlecock used in a traditional game of the same name, similar to volleyball. Shopping Edit Its not a bad idea to pack light and acquire a Brazilian wardrobe within a couple of days of arrival. It will make you less obvious as a tourist, and give you months of satisfied gloating back home about the great bargains you got whenever you are complimented on your clothing. Brazilians have their own sense of style and that makes tourists - especially those in Hawaiian shirts or sandals with socks - stand out in the crowd. Have some fun shopping, and blend in. Another good reason for buying clothes and shoes in Brazil is that the quality is usually good and the prices often cheap. However, this does not apply to any foreign brand as imports are burdened by high import taxes - therefore, do not expect to find any good prices on brands like Diesel, Levis, Tommy Hilfiger, etc. To figure your Brazilian trousers size, measure your waist in centimeters, divide by 2, and round up to the next even number. Store windows will often display a price followed by X 5 or X 10, etc. This is an installment-sale price. The price displayed is the per-installment price, so that, R50 X 10, for example, means 10 payments (typically monthly) of R50 each. The actual price is often lower if you pay in cash. Make sure any appliances you buy are either dual voltage or the same as in your home country. Brazil is 60 Hz, so dont buy electric clocks or non-battery operated motorized items if you live in Europe or Australia. The voltage, however, varies by state or even regions inside the same state. (see Electricity below). Brazilian-made appliances and electronics are expensive. If not, they are usually of poor quality. All electronics are expensive compared to European or US prices. Brazil uses a hybrid video system called PAL-M. It is NOT at all compatible with the PAL system of Europe and Australia. Television began in black and white using the NTSC system of the USA and Canada, then years later, using PAL for its analogue colourmaking a totally unique system. Nowadays, most new TV sets are NTSC compatible. However, the newly introduced digital TV standard is not compatible with that of most other countries. Digital video appliances such as DVD players are also compatible with NTSC (all digital colour is the same worldwide), but make sure the DVD region codes, if any, match your home country (Brazil is part of Region 4). Prices for imported electronic goods can be quite expensive due to high import tax, and the range of domestic electronic gadgets is not very wide. Also, be aware that the term DVD in Brazil is both an abbreviation for the disc itself and for its player, so be specific to avoid confusion. Although the strength of the Real means that shopping in Brazil is no longer cheap, there are still plenty of bargains to be had, especially leather goods, including shoes (remember sizes are different though). Clothes in general are a good buy, especially for women, for whom there are many classy items. Street markets, which are common, are also a very good option, but avoid brand names like Nike - you will pay more and its probably fake. Dont be afraid to feel an item. If it doesnt feel right, most likely it isnt Beware of the dreaded Made in China label. If theres none, its probably Brazilian, but be aware: some Brazilian-made products are less robust than their American or European counterparts. Cuisine Edit Feijoada, probably Brazils most famous dish Brazils cuisine is as varied as its geography and culture. On the other hand, some may find it an unrefined melange, and everyday fare can be bland and monotonous. While there are some quite unique dishes of regional origin, many dishes were brought by overseas immigrants and have been adapted to local tastes through the generations. Italian and Chinese food in Brazil can often be as baffling as Amazonian fare. The standard Brazilian set lunch is called prato feito . with its siblings comercial and executivo . Rice and brown beans in sauce, with a small steak. Sometimes farofa, spaghetti, vegetables and French fries will come along. Beef may be substituted for chicken, fish or others. Excellent seafood can be found in coastal towns, especially in the Northeast . Dishes Edit Brazils national dish is feijoada . a hearty stew made of black beans, pork (ears, knuckles, chops, sausage) and beef (usually dried). Its served with rice, garnished with collard greens and sliced oranges. Its not served in every restaurant the ones that serve it typically offer it on Wednesdays and Saturdays. A typical mistake made by tourists is to eat too much feijoada upon first encounter. This is a heavy dish even Brazilians usually eat it parsimoniously. Brazilian snacks, lanches (sandwiches) and salgadinhos (most anything else), include a wide variety of pastries. Look for coxinha (deep-fried, batter-coated chicken), empada (a tiny pie, not to be confused with the empanada - empadas and empanadas are entirely different items), and pastel (fried turnovers). Another common snack is a misto quente . a pressed, toasted ham-and-cheese sandwich. Po-de-queijo . a roll made of manioc flour and cheese, is very popular, especially in Minas Gerais state - po-de-queijo and a cup of fresh Brazilian coffee is a classic combination. Farofa . cassava flour stir-fried with bacon and onion bits the standard carbo side dish at restaurants, along with white rice Feijo verde . green beans with cheese gratin Paoca . beef jerky mixed with cassava flour in a pilo (big mortar with a big pestle). Traditional cowboy fare Pastel . deep-fried pastry filled with cheese, minced meat or ham Tapioca (or more precisely, beiju de tapioca): made with the cassava starch, also known as tapioca starch. When heated in a pan, it coagulates and becomes a type of pancake or dry crepe, shaped like a disk. Some will serve it folded in half, others will roll it rocambole-style. The filling varies, but it can be done sweet or savory, with the most traditional flavors being: grated coconutcondensed milk (sweet), beef jerkycoalho cheese, plain cheese, and butter (savory). However, in recent times it has become a gourmetized food item, to be treated with creativity nutella, chocolate, napolitano (pizza cheesehamtomatooregano) and shredded chicken breastcatupiry cheese being almost standard options nowadays. Regional cuisines Edit Southern - Churrasco is Brazilian barbecue, and is usually served rodizio or espeto corrido (all-you-can-eat). Waiters carry huge cuts of meat on steel spits from table to table, and carve off slices onto your plate (use the tongs to grab the meat slice and dont touch the knife edge with your silverware to avoid dulling the edge). Traditionally, you are given a small wooden block colored green on one side and red on the other. When youre ready to eat, put the green side up. When youre too stuffed to even tell the waiter youve had enough, put the red side up. Rodizio places have a buffet for non-meaty items beware that in some places, the desserts are not considered part of the main buffet and are charged as a supplement. Most churrasco restaurants ( churrascarias ) also serve other types of food, so it is safe to go there with a friend that is not really fond of meat. While churrascarias are usually fairly expensive places (for Brazilian standards) in the North, Central and the countryside areas of the country they tend to be much cheaper then in the South and big cities, where they are frequented even by the less affluent. Mineiro is the miners cuisine of Minas Gerais. based on pork and beans, with some vegetables. Dishes from Gois are similar, but use some local ingredients such as pequi and guariroba . Minas Gerais cuisine if not seen as particularly tasty, has a homely feel that is much cherished. The food of Bahia . on the northeast coast has its roots across the Atlantic in East Africa and Indian cuisine. Coconut, dende palm oil, hot peppers, and seafood are the prime ingredients. Tip: hot (quente) means lots of pepper, cold (frio) means less or no pepper at all. If you dare to eat it hot you should try acaraj (prawn-filled roasties) and vatap (drinkable black beans soup). Esprito Santo and Bahia have two different versions of moqueca . a delightful tomato-based seafood stew prepared in a special type of clay pot. Amazonian cuisine draws from the food of the indigenous inhabitants, including various exotic fish and vegetables. There is also a stupendous variety of tropical fruits. Cear s food has a great sort of seafood, and is known to have the countrys best crab. Its so popular that literally every weekend thousands of people go to Praia do Futuro in Fortaleza to eat fried fish and crabs (usually followed by cold beer). Brazilian cuisine also has a lot of imports: Pizza is very popular in Brazil. In So Paulo, travellers will find the highest rate of pizza parlours per inhabitant in the country. The variety of flavours is extremely vast, with some restaurants offering more than 100 types of pizza. It is worth noting the difference between the European mozzarella and the Brazilian mussarela. They differ in flavor, appearance and origin but buffalo mozzarella (mussarela de bfala) is also often available. The Brazilian mussarela, which tops most pizzas, is yellow in color and has a stronger taste. In some restaurants, particularly in the South, pizza has no tomato sauce. Other dishes of Italian origin, such as macarro (macaroni), lasanha and others are also very popular. Middle-eastern and Arab (actually Lebanese ) food is widely available. Most options offer high quality and a big variety. Some types of middle-eastern food, such as quibe and esfiha have been adapted and are available at snack stands and fast food joints nation-wide. You can also find shawarma (kebabs) stands, which Brazilians calls churrasco grego (Greek Barbecue) So Paulos Japanese restaurants serve up lots of tempura, yakisoba, sushi and sashimi. The variety is good and mostly the prices are very attractive when compared to Europe, USA and Japan. Most Japanese restaurants also offer the rodizio or buffet option, with the same quality as if you ordered from the menu. Sometimes, however, it can be quite a departure from the real thing. The same can be said of Chinese food, again with some variations from the traditional. Cheese-filled spring rolls, anyone. Japanese restaurants (or those that offer Japanese food) are much commoner than Chinese and can be found in many Brazilian cities, especially in the state of So Paulo. Restaurants Edit ALL restaurants will add a 10 service charge on the bill, and this is all the tip a Brazilian will ever pay. It is also what most waiters survive on, but it is not mandatory and you may choose to ignore it, although is considered extremely rude to do it. In some tourist areas you might be tried for extra tip. Just remember that you will look like a complete sucker if you exaggerate, and stingy and disrespectful if you dont tip. R5-10 are considered good tips. There are two types of self-service restaurants, sometimes with both options available in one place: all-you-can-eat buffets with barbecue served at the tables, called rodzio . or a price per weight ( por quilo ), very common during lunchtime throughout Brazil. Load up at the buffet and get your plate on the scales before eating any. In the South theres also the traditional Italian galeto, where youre served different types of pasta, salads, soups and meat (mostly chicken) at your table. Customers are allowed by law to visit the kitchen and see how the food is being handled, although this is extremely uncommon and doing so will probably be considered odd and impolite. Some Brazilian restaurants serve only meals for two. The size of the portions might not say in the menu, - ask the waiter. Most restaurants of this category allow for a half-serving of such plates ( meia-poro ), at 60-70 of the price. Also, couples at restaurants often sit side-by-side rather than across from each other observe your waiters cues or express your preference when being seated. Fast food is also very popular, and the local takes on hamburgers and hot-dogs (cachorro-quente, translated literally) are well worth trying. Brazilian sandwiches come in many varieties, with ingredients like mayonnaise, bacon, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, corn, peas, raisins, French fries, ketchup, eggs, pickles, etc. Brave eaters may want to try the traditional complete hot dog (just ask for a completo ), which, aside from the bun and the sausage, will include everything on display. The ubiquitous X-Burger (and its varieties X-Salad, X-Tudo, etc.) is not as mysterious as it sounds: the pronunciation of the letter X in Portuguese sounds like cheese, hence the name. Large chains: The fast-food burger chain Bobs is found nationwide and has been around in the country for almost as long as McDonalds. There is also a national fast-food chain called Habibs which despite the name serves pizza in addition to Arabian food (and the founder is Portuguese, by the way). Recent additions, though not as widespread, are Burger King and Subway. Alcohol Edit Brazils national booze is cachaa ( cah-shah-sah . also known as aguardente (burning water) and pinga ), a 40 sugar-cane liquor known to knock the unwary out quite quickly. It can be tried in virtually every bar in the country. Famous producing regions include Minas Gerais. where there are tours of distilleries, and the city of Paraty. Pirassununga is home to Caninha 51, Brazils best-selling brand. Outside Fortaleza there is a cachaa museum ( Museu da Cachaa ) where you can learn about the history of the Ypioca brand. Drinking cachaa straight, or stirring in only a dollop of honey or a bit of lime juice, is a common habit on the Northeast region of the country, but the strength of cachaa can be hidden in cocktails like the famous caipirinha . where it is mixed with sugar, lime juice and ice. Using vodka instead of cachaa is nicknamed caipiroska or caipivodka with white rum, its a caipirssima and with sake its a caipisaque (not in every region). Another interesting concoction is called capeta (devil), made with cachaa, condensed milk, cinnamon, guarana powder (a mild stimulant), and other ingredients, varying by region. If you enjoy fine brandy or grappa, try an aged cachaa . Deep and complex, this golden-coloured spirit is nothing like the ubiquitous clear liquor more commonly seen. A fun trip is to an alambique - a local distillery, of which there are thousands throughout the country - not only will you be able to see how the spirit is made from the raw cane sugar, you will probably also get a better price. Well worth a try is Brazilian whisky Its actually 50 imported scotch - the malt component - and approximately 50 Brazilian grain spirit. Dont be misled by American sounding names like Wall Street. It is not bourbon. Good value for money and indistinguishable from common British blends. While imported alcohol is very expensive, many international brands are produced under license in Brazil, making them widely available, and fairly cheap. You can buy booze in the tax-free after landing at Brazilian airports, but it generally is more expensive than buying it outside the airports. Beer in Brazil has a respectable history because of the German immigrants. Most Brazilian beer brands tend to be way less thick and bitter than German, Danish or English beer. More than 90 of all beer consumed in Brazil is Pilsner, and it is usually drunk very cold (at a temperature close to 0C). The most popular domestic brands are Brahma . Antarctica . and Skol . Traditional brands include Bohemia . Caracu (a stout), Original and Serra Malte (another stout). They are easily found in bars and are worth trying but are usually more expensive than the popular beers. There are also some national premium beers that are found only in some specific bars and supermarkets if you want to taste a good Brazilian beer, search for Baden Baden . Colorado . Eisenbahn . Petra . Theresopolis and others. There are also some international beers produced by national breweries like Heineken and Stella Artois and have a slightly different taste if compared with the original beers. There are two ways of drinking beer in bars: draft or bottled beer. Draft lager beer is called chope or chopp (SHOH-pee), and is commonly served with one inch of foam, but you can make a complaint to the bartender if the foam is consistently thicker than that. In bars, the waiter will usually collect the empty glasses and bottles on a table and replace them with full ones, until you ask him to stop, in a tap charging system. In the case of bottled beer, bottles (600ml or 1l) are shared among everyone at the table and poured in small glasses, rather than drunk straight from the bottle. Brazilians like their beer nearly ice-cold - hence, to keep the temperature down, bottles of beer are often kept in an insulated polystyrene container on the table. Rio Grande do Sul is the leading wine production region. There are a number of wine-producing farms that are open to visitors and wine tasting, and wine cellars selling wine and fermented grape juice. One of these farms open to visitors is Salton Winery . located in the city of Bento Gonalves. The So Francisco Valley . along the border of the states of Pernambuco and Bahia. is the countrys newest wine-producing region. Brazilian wines are usually fresher, fruitier and less alcoholic than, for instance, French wines. Popular brands like Sangue de Boi . Cano and Santa Felicidade and others with prices below R6.00 are usually seen as trash. In Minas Gerais. look for licor de jabuticaba (jabuticaba liquor) or vinho de jabuticaba (jabuticaba wine), an exquisite purple-black beverage with a sweet taste. Jabuticaba is the name of a small grape-like black fruit native to Brazil. Coffee and tea Edit Brazil is known world-wide for its high-quality strong coffee. Caf is so popular that it can name meals (just like rice does in China, Japan and Korea): breakfast in Brazil is called caf da manh (morning coffee), while caf com po (coffee with bread) or caf da tarde (afternoon coffee) means a light afternoon meal. Cafezinho (small coffee) is a small cup of strong, sweetened coffee usually served after meals in restaurants (sometimes for free, just ask politely). Bottled filtered coffee is being replaced by stronger espresso cups in more upscale restaurants. Ch . or tea in Portuguese, is most commonly found in its Assam version (orange, light coloured). Some more specialised tea shops and cafs will have Earl Gray and green tea available as well. Mate is an infusion similar to tea that is very high in caffeine content. A toasted version, often served chilled, is consumed all around the country, while Chimarro (incidentally called mate in neighbouring Spanish-speaking countries) is the hot, bitter equivalent that can be found in the south and is highly appreciated by the gachos (Rio Grande do Sul dwellers). Terer is a cold version of Chimarro, common in Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso state. Soft drinks Edit Nothing beats coconut water ( gua de coco ) on a hot day. (Stress the first o . otherwise it will come out as poo ( coc )). It is mostly sold as coco gelado in the coconut itself, drunk with a straw. Ask the machete-wielding vendors to cut the coconut in half so that you can eat the flesh after drinking the water. If you want a Coke in Brazil, ask for coca or coca-cola . as cola means glue, in Portuguese. Guaran is a carbonated soft drink made from the guaran berry, native to the Amazon area. The major brands are Antarctica and Kuat . the latter owned by Coke. Pureza is a lesser known guaran soft drink specially popular in Santa Catarina. There is also a Guaran Jesus that is popular in Maranho. Almost all regions in Brazil feature their own local variants on guaran, some which can be quite different from the standard Antarctica in both good and bad ways. If traveling to Amazonas, be sure to try a cold Bar, which due to its huge popularity in Manaus was purchased by Antarctica and is becoming more available throughout northern Brazil. Tubana is a carbonated soft drink once very popular among Brazilians (particularly the ones born in the 70s, 80s and early 90s) and becoming extremely hard to find. It was once mass-produced by Brahma before it became focused on beers only. If you happen to find a place that sells it, try it. Mineirinho (or Mate Couro ) is also a popular soft drink made of guaran and a typical Brazilian leaf called Chapu de Couro. Although most Brazilians say that it tastes like grass, older people (70 years) claim that the drink has medicinal properties. Fruit juices Edit Fruit juices are very popular in Brazil. Some cities, notably Rio de Janeiro. have fruit juice bars at nearly every corner. Aai (a fruit from the Amazon) is delicious and nutritious (rich in antioxidants) and can be found widespread across the nations. In the Amazon region its used as a complement to the everyday diet, often eaten together with rice and fish in the main meal of the day. Curiously, outside of the Amazon region, its typically used in blended in combination with guarana (a stimulant) powder and a banana to re-energize from late-night partying. It is served cold and has a consistency of soft ice. There are also aai ice creams available. Maracuja (passion fruit) (careful during an active day as this has a relaxant effect) Caju (cashew fruit) and Garapa . freshly pressed sugarcane juice Manga (mango) are also great juice experiences. Mangaba Umbu Vitamina . milk shake with fresh fruits Brazilians have great taste when it comes to mixing juices. High season in Brazil follows the school holidays calendar, December and January (summer) being the busiest months. New Year, Carnival (movable between February and March, see Understand above) and Holy week are the peak periods, and prices can skyrocket, especially in coastal cities like Rio and Salvador. Also, during those holidays, many hotels restrict bookings to a 3 or 4-day minimum and charge in advance. Hotels are plentiful in just about all areas of Brazil and can range from luxury beach resorts to very modest and inexpensive choices. The Brazilian tourism regulation board imposes specific minimum attributes for each type of facility, but as the 1-5 star rating is no longer enforced, check in advance if your hotel provides the kind of services you expect. Pousada means guesthouse (the local equivalent of a French auberge or a British boarding house ), and are usually simpler than hotels, and will offer fewer services (room service, laundry etc.). Pousadas are even more widespread than hotels. In wilderness areas like the Pantanal. travelers usually stay in fazendas . which are ranches with guest facilities. In small towns of Minas Gerais people are fond of hotis-fazenda (farm hotels) where you can swim, ride, walk, play football, and camp as well as sleep in picturesque barracks. Also there is great fun in going on a boat hotel which will take you to inaccessible places on the rivers and lakes for great fishing trips or for simply relaxing and watching and photographing the wildlife which is very abundant in the Pantanal. The boats are large, safe, and comfortable with air-conditioned rooms (very necessary). Several small aluminum boats with outboard motor, carried by the boat hotel, driven by experienced fisherguide will take 2 or 3 tourists to the best points. Motel is the local term for a sex hotel. Theres no social stigma per se in staying in one, but the room service and rates are geared to adults staying for a few hours with utmost discretion and privacy. Youth hostels ( albergues da juventude ) are becoming increasingly common. Portuguese courses for foreigners are not widespread outside the big cities. A good alternative is to befriend language students and exchange lessons. If you come to Brazil with some initial notions of Portuguese, you will see that people will treat you much better and you will get by much easier. If you can get a job, working in Brazil is easy, mostly because there is much informality. In theory, you must have a work permit ( Autorizao de Trabalho ) from the Ministry of Labor before you can get a job. However, in order to obtain it, you must be sponsored by an employer before entering the country. The company must want a foreigner bad enough to pay the government upwards of R2000 to sponsor you, knowing also that they are required by law to simultaneously hire and train a replacement for you. Because of this, finding a legal job can be a pretty daunting bureaucratic task, even in Brazils growing job market of today. If you are a native English speaker, you may be able to find an English-teaching part-time job, but dont expect that to save your holidays. Although working in the informal market can seem hassle-free at first, there are risks as well. The pay will be under-the-table without contract, so it will be difficult for you to claim your labor rights later. In the bigger cities, there is also the danger of being turned in to the authorities by a rival school, which may see you to a plane home earlier than you had planned. There is also a growing demand for Spanish language classes, so native Spanish speakers should have no trouble finding work, especially in the major cities. In both cases, its always much more lucrative to find work privately rather than through schools. This can be done easily, for example by putting an ad in the classifieds section of the Veja weekly news magazine (you have to pay for it) or by putting up signs on the notice boards at universities like USP (free of charge). Refer to the Ministry of Labour website 24 for more detailed information. By law, everyone must carry a photo ID at all times. For a foreigner, this means your passport. However, the police will mostly be pragmatic and accept a plastified color photocopy. Crime Edit Even the most patriotic Brazilian would say that the greatest problem the country faces is crime. Brazil is one of the most criminalised countries of the world therefore, the crime rate is high, even for a developing nation. Pick-pocketing and theft are rampant, but perhaps what is more scary to visitors - and also depressingly common - are robberies at gunpoint . which target both locals and tourists. There are cases of armed criminals attacking hotels (from guesthouses to luxurious resorts) and even package tour buses, and armed robberies in crowded areas at plain daylight. Most visitors to Brazil have trips without any incidents, and a few precautions can drastically reduce the likelihood of being victim of crime. Even with those precautions, though, the chance of a bad incident may still not be negligible. Check the individual cityarea articles for advice on specific cities or places. Generally speaking, with exception of a few prosperous countryside areas and smaller towns (mostly in the southern part of the country), most areas in Brazil arent extremely safe, so it is advisable to avoid showing off expensive possessions in public areas, to avoid deserted streets during the night, and especially, to avoid poor, run-down towns or neighbourhoods. There are cases of Brazilians or tourists being shot down without warning when entering certain neighbourhoods, either in a car or on foot. If you want to visit a favela (slum neighbourhood) or indigenous village, use a licensed, reputable tour service. Intercity buses are generally safe, but in large cities, intercity bus terminals are often located in run-down, unsafe areas of the city, so it is prudent to take a taxi to and from the terminal rather than walk to or from it. In touristy places, tourists are often seen as preferred prey for criminals, so it is better to avoid looking like a tourist. For example, avoid being seen carrying a large camera or guidebook (leave them in a backpack and use them discreetly only when necessary), or dressing in a way dramatically different from the locals. It is perfectly fine to sometimes stop locals to ask questions, but avoid looking clueless and vulnerable when in public. Road safety Edit Murder is probably the top fear of visitors to Brazil, but traffic-related deaths are actually nearly as common as murders - in fact, the chance of a road fatality in Brazil is comparable to countries with poor road safety reputation, like Malaysia or Vietnam. This may come as surprise as the traffic in Brazil, especially in large cities, appears to be relatively well-organised compared to these countries. However, this apparent sense of safety is where the danger lurks - Brazil has a large share of irresponsible drivers, who defy speed limits, drive under the influence of alcohol, and sometimes ignore traffic lights. Therefore, keep always your eyes open when crossing the road, even when the pedestrian light is green and the cars have stopped - you never know when a motorbike will pop up from between two cars. In certain parts of the country, especially in the northern part, roads tend to be poor-maintained, and enforcement of traffic regulations tend to be lax. Although sometimes unavoidable, it is worthwhile to re-consider taking very long road trips inside the country when there is the option of taking a plane instead. Food from street and beach vendors has a bad hygienic reputation in Brazil. The later in the day, the worse it gets. Bottled and canned drinks are safe, although some people will insist on using a straw to avoid contact with the exterior of the container. Bear in mind the heat and humidity when storing perishable foods. Tap water varies from place to place, (from contaminated, saline or soaked with chlorine to plain drinkable) and Brazilians themselves usually prefer to have it filtered. In airports, bus stations, as well as many of the cheaper hotels and malls, it is common to find drinking fountains ( bebedouro ), although not always safe. In hostel kitchens, look for the tap with the cylindrical filter attached. In more expensive hotels, there is often no publicly accessible fountain, and bedrooms contain minibars, selling you mineral water at extremely inflated prices buying bottled water from the store is always the best alternative. Vaccination against yellow fever and taking anti-malaria medication may be necessary if you are travelling to central-western (Mato Grosso) or northern (Amazon) regions. If youre arriving from Peru, Colombia or Bolivia, proof of yellow fever vaccination is required before you enter Brazil. Some countries, such as Australia and South Africa. will require evidence of yellow fever vaccination before allowing you enter the country if you have been in any part of Brazil within the previous week. Check the requirements of any country you will travel to from Brazil. In coastal Brazil theres also a risk for dengue fever. and the ongoing (as of 2016) Zika virus outbreak in Latin America has hit Brazil hard with more than 60,000 confirmed cases. Public hospitals tend to be crowded and terrible, but they attend any kind of person, including foreigners. Most cities of at least 60,000 inhabitants have good private health care. Dentists abound and are way cheaper than North America and Western Europe. In general, the quality of their work is consistent, but ask a local for advice and a recommendation. The emergency number is 190 . but you must speak Portuguese. Beware that air conditioning in airports, intercity buses etc. is often quite strong. Carry a long-sleeved garment for air-conditioned places. Although Brazil is widely known as a country where sex is freely available, it is sometimes misunderstood regarding HIV. Brazil has one of the best HIV prevention programs and consequently, a very low infection rate compared with most countries. Condoms are highly encouraged by governmental campaigns during Carnaval, and distributed for free by local public medical departments. Brazilians tend to be very open and talk freely about their problems, especially political subjects and other issues. Also, they use a lot of self-deprecating humour. This allows you to make jokes about the problems in Brazil, when they are talking about such issues, in a playful manner. It is common when you pointing out something bad, for them to give answers like, Thats nothing. Look at this here. Its so much worse. But dont imitate them, as they are likely to feel offended if you criticize certain areas, such as nature or soccer. In some small towns, local politics can be a sensitive issue, and you should be careful when talking about it. Always be polite. Be aware that racism is a very serious offence in Brazil. Most Brazilians frown upon racism (at least in public), and even if you are only joking or you think you know your company, it is still wise to refrain from anything that can be perceived as racism. According to the Brazilian Constitution, racism is a crime for which bail is not available, and must be met with 6 months to 8 years imprisonment. This is taken very seriously. However, the law only seems to apply to overt, unquestionably racist statements and actions. Therefore, be aware and be respectful when discussing racial relations in Brazil do not assume you understand Brazils history of racial inequality and slavery better than a Brazilian person of colour. Remember that Portuguese is not Spanish and Brazilians (as well as other Portuguese speakers) feel offended if you do not keep this in mind. Both languages can be mutually intelligible to a certain extent, but they differ considerably in phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. It is not a good idea to mix Portuguese with Spanish dont expect people to understand what youre saying if you (intentionally or unintentionally) insert Spanish words into Portuguese sentences. It is also noteworthy that the Brazilians are fanatical about football (soccer) and so there are (sometimes violent) disputes between teams from different cities, and walking with the shirt of a team in certain areas may be seen as controversial or even dangerous. Speaking ill of the Brazilian national football team is not considered an insult, but you should never praise the Argentine team or compare them both. Brazil is open to LGBT tourists. So Paulo boasts the biggest LGBT Pride parade in the world, and most major cities will have gay scenes. However, be aware that homophobia is widespread in Brazilian society, and Brazil is not the sexual haven that many foreigners perceive it to be. Couples that in any way dont conform to traditional heterosexual expectations should expect to be open to some verbal harassment and stares if displaying affection in the streets, though several neighborhoods of many of the major cities are very welcoming of the LGBT population, and LGBT-oriented bars and clubs are common. It is best to gather information from locals as to which areas are more conservative and which are more progressive. Social etiquette Edit Cheek-kissing is very common in Brazil, among women and between women and men. When two women, or opposite sexes first meet, it is not uncommon to kiss. Two men WILL shake hands. A man kissing another mans cheek is extremely bizarre by Brazilian standards (unless in family relationships, special Italian descendants, and very close friends). Kissing is suitable for informal occasions, used to introduce yourself or being acquainted, especially to young people. Hand shaking is more appropriate for formal occasions or between women and men when no form of intimacy is intended. Trying to shake hands when offered a kiss will be considered odd, but never rude. However, to clearly refuse a kiss is a sign of disdain. When people first meet, they will kiss once (So Paulo ), twice (Rio de Janeiro ) or three times (Florianpolis and Belo Horizonte. for instance), depending on where you are, alternating right and left cheeks. Observe that while doing this, you should not kiss on the cheeks (like in Russia) but actually only touch cheeks and make a kissing sound while kissing the air, placing your lips on a strangers cheek is a clear sign of sexual interest. Failing to realise these rules likely wont be seen as rude, especially if it is known that you are a foreigner. Many Brazilians can dance and Brazilians are usually at ease with their own bodies. While talking, they may stand closer to each other than North Americans or Northern Europeans do, and also tend to touch each other more, e. g. on the shoulder or arm, hugs etc. This is not necessarily flirtatious in nature. Brazilians love to drink, and going to pubs and bars is definitely part of social life - sometimes even for those who dont drink alcohol. However, alcoholic beverages arent allowed in certain places such football stadiums, and laws concerning driving under the influence of alcohol have become increasingly more strict and more rigorously enforced. Brazilians do not normally take their shoes off as soon as they get home, neither expect their visitors to do so. Hence, only take off your shoes when you visit someones house if your hosts ask so or you see they doing that. Table etiquette Edit Except for highly formal situations, Brazilians dont normally mind their tones when eating and chatting. Restaurants tend to be relatively noisy and cheerful environments, specially when there are tables with large groups of people. Most meals will be eaten with forksspoons and knives, but there are some things that you can eat with your hands. If you are unsure whether you should use the knife to cut something shorter or just grab it with your hands, observe how people behave around you and imitate them - or simply ask. Burping is considered impolite, unless you are among very close friends or relatives. Brazilians usually place the knife and the fork in a parallel manner on the plate to signalize they are finished. If you order a beer or a soda and it comes with a cup, waiters may fill it for you from time to time as they see it becoming empty. They will normally collect empty bottles and cans without asking you first. By phone Edit Brazil has international telephone code 55 and two-digit area codes, and phone numbers are eight or nine digits long. Some areas used seven digits until 2006, meaning you might still find some old phone numbers which wont work unless you add another digit. (Mostly, try adding 2 or 3 at the beginning, or if its an eight-digit number starting with 6 to 9 try adding a 9 at the beginning). Eight-digit numbers beginning with digits 2 to 5 are land lines, while eight-digit or nine-digit numbers beginning with digits 6 to 9 are mobile phones. All cities use the following emergency numbers: 190 - Police 192 - SAMU (Servio de Atendimento Mvel de Urgncia) 193 - Firefighters However, if you dial 911 while in Brazil, you will be redirected to the police. To dial to another area code or to another country, you must chose a carrier using a two-digit carrier code. Which carriers are available depends on the area you are dialing from and on the area you are dialing to. Carrier 21 (Embratel) is available in all areas. The international phone number format for calls from other countries to Brazil is 55-(area code)-(phone number) To dial to another area code: 0-(carrier code)-(area code)-(phone number) To dial to another country: 00-(carrier code)-(country code)-(area code)-(phone number) Local collect call: 90-90-(phone number) Collect call to another area code: 90-(carrier code)-(area code)-(phone number) International Collect Call: 000111 or through Embratel at 0800-703-2111 Public payphones use disposable prepaid cards, which come with 20, 40, 60 or 75 credits. The discount for buying cards with larger denominations is marginal. Phone booths are nearly everywhere, and all cards can be used in all booths, regardless of the owner phone company. Cards can be bought from many small shops, and almost all news agents sell them. The Farmcia Pague Menos sells them at official (phone company) price, somewhat cheaper. Calls to cell phones (even local) will use up your credits very quickly (nearly as expensive as international calls). Calling the USA costs about one real per minute. Its possible to find all international and Brazilian phone codes on DDI and DDD phone codes . By mobile phone Edit When traveling to Brazil, even though it may seem best to carry your cell phone along, you should not dismiss the benefits of the calling cards to call the ones back home. Get yourself a Brazil calling card when packing for your trip. Brazil phone cards 25 Brazil has 4 national mobile operators: Vivo (Telefnica Group), Claro (TelmexAmrica Mvil Group), OI and TIM (Telecom Italia Group), all of them running GSM, HSDPAHSPA and LTE networks. There are also smaller operators, like Nextel (NIISprint Group) (with iDEN Push-To-Talk and HSPA), CTBC-ALGAR (GSM and HSDPA in Triangulo Mineiro Region (Minas Gerais)), and Sercomtel (GSM and HSDPA in Paran). Pay-as-you-go ( pr-pago ) SIM cards for GSM phones are widely available in places like newsstands, drugstores, supermarkets, retail shops, etc. Vivo uses 85018001900 MHz frequencies, while other operators uses 9001800 MHz (and some specific cases, 1900Mhz) frequencies. 3GHSDPA coverage is available mostly on big cities on the southeast states and capitals. Some states use 850 MHz but others use 2100 MHz for 3GHSDPA. For LTE, all states and operators use the european 2600Mhz (B7) frequency (700Mhz B28 is under tests on this moment) If you need to unlock a phone from a specific operator, this can be done for a charge in any phone shop. If you prefer, you can use international roaming in any operator (respecting the roaming agreements). In this case, if you want to call to Brazil, you must call the number directly, as stated above, or using the standardized way, as ltcountrycodegtltareacodegtltnumbergt to call abroad. All major carriers (Vivo, Claro, TIM and Oi) can send and receive text messages (SMS) as well as phone calls tofrom abroad. Some operators (as Vivo, Claro, and TIM), can send and receive international text messages. By net Edit Internet cafes ( Lan houses ) are increasingly common, and even small towns often have at least one spot with more or less decent connections. An increasing number of hotels, airports and shopping malls also offer hotspots for Wi-Fi with your laptop computer or smartphone. For general tips on internet while travelling, see our travel topic: Internet access By mail Edit The Brazilian Correio 26 is fairly reliable and post offices are everywhere. However, be aware that if you ask how much it costs to send a letter, postcard or package they will automatically give you the priority price ( prioritrio ) instead of the normal one ( Econmico ). You might think that the priority one will make it go faster, but it isnt always true sometimes it takes as long as the normal fare, so be sure to ask for the econmico price of anything you wish to dispatch. This country travel guide to Brazil is an outline and may need more content. It has a template. but there is not enough information present. If there are Cities and Other destinations listed, they may not all be at usable status or there may not be a valid regional structure and a Get in section describing all of the typical ways to get here. Please plunge forward and help it grow